In the moment, my hand on the shutter button, everything is still. I focus on my breathing, taking slow and controlled deep breaths. Everything else fades away, all that remains is the subject in the view finder that caught my eye. My thoughts all turn to a singular goal, focusing on the details I want to include. I move myself, not the environment, to get the angle, speed, light, and blur how I want to display it. Choosing how I want to see the world around me, finding beauty in natures cycles of life, death, and new beginnings.
I take the photos, one after another, hoping that at least one will hold the feeling or experience. I pull my eye away and excitedly review the results. Turning my camera off, I am no longer in the moment. My mind drowns again in the lists of things to do and worry about...
I am a survivor of childhood, religious, and spousal abuse that has left me with chronic PTSD symptoms. Photography is my way of discovering myself, reflecting, and giving myself a voice. It takes time and introspection to understand why I'm drawn to a particular subject. Each photo reflects something I've been seeking, even if I didn't consciously know it, taking me one step closer to myself.
Come journey with me.
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